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Tuffy South Fort Myers Often Asked About Premium vs. Regular Gas

January 7, 2024

Fort Myers residents often ask the question: "Will using premium gas make my car run better?" The answer is simple. But first, let's talk about what exactly premium gasoline is.

Different grades of gasoline have different octane ratings. Regular gasoline has the lowest octane rating and premium the highest. Most gas stations around Fort Myers, Florida, also carry a mid-grade that falls in between the two. The octane range for the different grades of gas varies by region due to altitude differences.

Engines require different octane ratings because of design differences. For example, turbocharged engines usually require premium gas.

There's a sticker on your gas tank filler lid that tells you the minimum octane rating your vehicle manufacturer recommends.

For help identifying the type of gasoline your engine needs, come by Tuffy South Fort Myers in Fort Myers.

Tuffy South Fort Myers
18092 S. Tamiami Trail
Fort Myers, Florida 33908

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